Thursday, November 11, 2010

Addiction Friction

As many of you know, the day is drawing closer and closer!  I was talking to someone about the surgery, and I apologize I don't remember who, but they were saying that they knew someone who had the surgery and became an alcoholic.  As we were discussing this, she explained (I remembered who it was Joy, my estetician at Massage Envy) that when you give up the addiction to food, you have to find another addiction to occupy that spot.  

Now, I disagree that this replacement needs to become an addiction, but I have found that have discovered other hobbies to occupy that void that my food addiction has left.  For example, I have been knitting.  I made Lilly a cupcake hat for her Halloween costume that she refused to wear, but that is a whole other blog.  (product plug: if anyone wants me to make a hat or scarf I am taking orders)  

I have also discovered  I was turned onto Fly Lady a year or so back by my friend Monika, but it wasn't until my friend Kim and I started doing it together that it really took hold.  Kim kindly reminds me to shine my sink every night and when life is getting you down, shine your sink.  It is good advice.  Now I cannot take credit for the Fly Lady's efforts that she has put forth to come up with the wonderful system, but I can explain a few key points, if you like them, check out

1.) Your clutter (psychical, mental, spiritual) didn't get this way in one day, and you cannot fix it in one day
2.) Take baby steps or you will burn out and go back to your old ways.
3.) Cleaning your sink every night regardless of how everything else looks will make you feel amazing in the morning!

My point to all of this is that while I am working to curb my addiction to food, I have found that doing something else that gives me pleasure, helps me not think about the fact that I cannot bake a tray of brownies and eat the entire thing.  However writing a blog on baking brownies does remind me of the fact that I am hungry and I have brownies in the pantry!  

Sorry, gotta go shine my sink!!!!

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