Sunday, December 26, 2010

Quick Update

This is a super quick update and I promise to write about Christmas tongiht.
Since I started keeping track of my weight on 9/14 I have lost an amazing 50 pounds!!!  If you include the weight that I gained after surgery(and I do because I like the number better)....I've lost 41 pounds since surgery!!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Do Not Eat Too Fast!!

I learned the hard way yesterday that when I am hungry I eat faster, which in turn makes me vomit!!  Right after surgery that really stinks!!  I am still having trouble with not being hungry and getting enough to eat.  I am consuming at least two EAS Myoplex Lite Ready-to-Drink Nutrition Shake, Chocolate Fudge  which I am glad I have not gotten bored with yet! (knock on wood)

I have also been playing with out new Kinect for the Xbox 360!  We bought Kinectimals and all I can say is WOW!!  That is a surprising workout.  I also like the Your Shape Fitness Evolved which is cool because it does a body test and "watches" you so that you know how you are doing and if you are doing the workouts right.

Well that is my wisdom for the day!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

March for Babies

On May 14th at Wheeler Park, the March of Dimes will be holding its annual March for Babies.  This is a major fundraising event for the March of Dimes and the money raised helps to research and prevent premature birth.  This is a very important topic for me since my own daughter was born 6 weeks premature and spent 1.5 weeks in NICU.  I honestly believe it wasn't for the research that the March of Dimes has done that she would have been in there for a lot longer!!  

I realize that this walk is a ways off, but I have started my team (Team Binks) and would love to have as many people as possible walk or run with me!!  If you are interested please go to:
and register to walk with us!  If you cannot make it, but you would like to donate you can make a general team donation or donate on my personal fundraising page:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

About Time!

Sorry I haven't done an actual blog since I was in the hospital, but these past two weeks have been a little hectic and tough!!  So this entry will probably be a little longer so I can catch up!

In December 1st I came home from the hospital.  It was so nice to come home.  At the hospital I had been up and walking around so I went to Walgreens to pick up my medication.  It was so nice to be breathing fresh air and in my own clothes.  Walking also really helps with the gas that builds up from surgery.  The excursion wore me out so I went home, took some pain killers and went to bed.  When I woke up I had some of the broth that I loved so much in the hospital.  I was eating/drinking clear liquids only at a pace of 1 ounce every 20 minutes.  The would be the last cup of broth I consumed because for some reason I developed a HUGE aversion to broth.  The mere mention of it made me gag!!  So I was eating Jell-o and water for the next two days.  As soon as I started being able to drink protein shakes I felt so much better.  I also stopped having cravings for protein, mostly I was craving Pork and Beans and hot dogs.

I also was able to stop taking pain medications the following day (Thursday) and haven't taken so much as Tylenol since.  I was pretty sore, but it was bearable.  It hurt the most when I was getting in and out of bed.  You really don't realize how much you used your abs until they have been cut into.  Oh and sneezing hurt like a mother!!  I was very excited when I could finally sneeze and it didn't hurt.  However, belching and burping (remember a lot of gas!) still hurts a little.

I have been able to maintain a semi-normal activity level since surgery which is good since I have to chase a 3 year old around all the time!!  Until yesterday I had a 20 pound weight restriction which was difficult since the kiddo is 32 pounds.  She has done really well with getting in and out of the car by herself and is very careful about climbing onto my lap when it was time to rock for bed.  I agree with Peter that this would have been a completely different situation had I tried to do this surgery anytime before.  I think this was the perfect time since the Binks is pretty independent and likes to do a lot of stuff by herself.  She was even helping me pick up the house.  We will see how long that lasts.

The only other major thing that I noticed where mood swings!  The surgery messes with your hormones quite a bit.  There were times when I wanted to cry for no reason what so ever.  I had a major meltdown at a Christmas party the Saturday after surgery.  I was doing fine enjoying eating the extremely small amount of food that I could eat and taking my time (45 minutes to eat the roughly 2 oz of food) and I felt like everyone was watching me.  I wanted to go home!  My mother was with me and had wanted to stay.  Once she assured me that she would get a ride home, I bolted.  Well I bolted after I made 3 people move their cars from behind me.  I came home to an empty house, cried for a few minutes, drank a protein shake and knitted a scarf.  It was actually a good night!!

The only other part of the program that I have had a hard time with was pureed foods.  Certain foods are supposed to have certain textures and I am all about texture!  I found that some pureed foods, okay most pureed foods make me gag.  Vomiting isn't something that the doctors want you to do, especially after surgery when the vomiting can damage the pouch.  After talking to my doctor, we have restructured my diet and so far that seems to be helping.

I have heard people can have an aversion to the smell of food and just smells can make them sick.  I have not experienced this.  I can say that food that once smelled good, no longer does.  For example we took my daughter on the Polar Express and went to dinner prior to boarding the train.  Just walking into the restaurant I was a little turned off by the smell of cooking steak, a smell which I normally would have loved.  Also, I notice that sweets are no longer appealing to me.  We went to Sam's Club the other day (a great walk when it is cold out by that way) and walked past all the cheesecakes and desserts.  They actually made me a little sick to look at!!  I do have a huge fear of sugar right now since I know that it can cause dumping syndrome and that isn't something that I am looking forward to experiencing.

Overall I have gone through some days were I debated if I had made the right choice, but that first step on the scale where I lost 8 pounds really made me change my tune about that!  I know that I made the right choice.  I  may have had a few hiccups along the road (like the rash around my stitches) but overall while not the easiest process in the world, it is totally, 100% doable.

***Please note that any changes that were made to my diet were made at the direction of my doctor.  Please don't make any changes to your plan without first consulting your surgeon or doctor!***

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Measurement Updates


 One Month Ago

Weight: 290
Waist: 47"
Thigh: 29.75"
Leg: 18.75"
Arm: 15.75"
Wrist: 7"
Above Chest: 42.75"
Around Chest:  47.5"
Below Chest: 42.75"
Hips: 57.25"
Ankle: 10.25"


Since Last Post:

Weight: 33 pounds
Waist: -3.25"
Thigh: -2.5"
Leg: -.75"
Arm: -1.75"
Wrist: -.25"
Above Chest: -2"
Around Chest:  -2.5"
Below Chest: -2.25"
Hips: -2.4"
Ankle: -1"

Total so Far:
Weight: -45
Waist: -5"
Thigh: -3.25"
Leg: -1.25"
Arm: -2.75"
Wrist: -5"
Above Chest: -5.25"
Around Chest:  -5.25"
Below Chest: -5.75"
Hips: -3.75"
Ankle: -1"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Slice and Dice

I am writing to you today from room 3079 at FMC. Surgery went well on Monday. It took a little bit longer than expected but no major hiccups. I wasnt brought into my room until around 9pm so it was a long day for everyone. 

Yesterday I was privliaged enough to experience a swallow test. The contrast solution tasted like yellow Triametic. That's a taste that sticks with you!! Especially when you are only allowed ice chips and they are half way across the hospital in your room!! But once I passed my swallow test I was allowed clear liquids!! I have found the best chicken broth in the world!! 

I have been up walking and that feels amazing!! Plus it helps the gas to pass. I have been very proud about the gas I've passed, a situation the hospital fully supports!! 

The pain hasnIt been too bad with the help of my friend Lora Tab (ha ha bad joke). The location of pain surprised me because I was expecting something more similar to my hysterectomy. This pain is more like a stitch in my side that really hurts when I breathe deep. 

All in all I am doing great!! I've been up and walking around quite a bit and I am hoping to go home today!! Thank you to everyone who came and visited or sent well wishes. It really meant a lot to me!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

And here we are!!

Surgery is only 4 days away!!!  I cannot believe how quickly that time has passed.  I have not been able to get everything done that I wanted to get done, but the house is clean (enough) and laundry is caught up.  The two major things I wanted to get done!  Now I just have to get through Thanksgiving and Black Friday and I will be golden!!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I am trying a couple of bariatric friendly recipes this year.  The first is a sugar free cranberry sauce that uses sugar free preserves, cranberries, cinnamon, and splenda.  It was really easy to make and it looks really good!!  Secondly is a Toasted Caramel Pecan Sweet Potatoes.  This one uses Di Vinci Syrup, sweet potatoes, and some other ingredients.  I am really excited to be trying these new recipes and experimenting on the family!!

So, here is the schedule for surgery....
Monday I check into the hospital at 1230pm, surgery is about 2-3 hours so I don't expect to be into a room until around 6 or 7pm

Friday, November 12, 2010

Not sure I should be doing this

I have thought long and hard about if I should disclose the information I am about to disclose, however, here it goes.  This is VERY difficult for me to be doing, but I figure this is the best way to motivate myself to never look like this again.  I probably won't post this on facebook, yet anyone who searches this could find it, kind of ironic!!

Current Measurements:
Weight: 323
BMI: 45
Hips: 59.66 Inches
Waist: 50.25 inches
Thigh: 32.25 inches
Chest: 50 inches

Difference from my previous measurements on 9/14/10
Weight: -13
BMI: -1.6
Hips: -1.33 inches
Waist: -1.75 inches
Thigh: -.75 inches
Chest: -2.75 inches

Putting this information out this is scary, so I included the positive information which really puts it into perspective.  I mean I have lost 13 pounds in 2 months!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Addiction Friction

As many of you know, the day is drawing closer and closer!  I was talking to someone about the surgery, and I apologize I don't remember who, but they were saying that they knew someone who had the surgery and became an alcoholic.  As we were discussing this, she explained (I remembered who it was Joy, my estetician at Massage Envy) that when you give up the addiction to food, you have to find another addiction to occupy that spot.  

Now, I disagree that this replacement needs to become an addiction, but I have found that have discovered other hobbies to occupy that void that my food addiction has left.  For example, I have been knitting.  I made Lilly a cupcake hat for her Halloween costume that she refused to wear, but that is a whole other blog.  (product plug: if anyone wants me to make a hat or scarf I am taking orders)  

I have also discovered  I was turned onto Fly Lady a year or so back by my friend Monika, but it wasn't until my friend Kim and I started doing it together that it really took hold.  Kim kindly reminds me to shine my sink every night and when life is getting you down, shine your sink.  It is good advice.  Now I cannot take credit for the Fly Lady's efforts that she has put forth to come up with the wonderful system, but I can explain a few key points, if you like them, check out

1.) Your clutter (psychical, mental, spiritual) didn't get this way in one day, and you cannot fix it in one day
2.) Take baby steps or you will burn out and go back to your old ways.
3.) Cleaning your sink every night regardless of how everything else looks will make you feel amazing in the morning!

My point to all of this is that while I am working to curb my addiction to food, I have found that doing something else that gives me pleasure, helps me not think about the fact that I cannot bake a tray of brownies and eat the entire thing.  However writing a blog on baking brownies does remind me of the fact that I am hungry and I have brownies in the pantry!  

Sorry, gotta go shine my sink!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The final days

Surgery has been set for November 29th at 1pm!  I am very nervous all of sudden because now this isn't a dream but a reality!! I am still waiting on insurance approval, but from what it sounds like, that should not be a problem!!  I will get more details on when I have to show up and all that fun stuff when I meet with the hospital on the 15th.

Speaking of the 15th, that is when I start my two week pre-op diet!!  This diet will consist of a protein shake for breakfast and lunch.  Dinner will be 4 oz of a lean meat and a serving of vegetables!  If I want to have a snack I can have a handful of raw veggies.  This will be what I get to eat for Thanksgiving and the husband's birthday.  This also means that waiting in line for Harry Potter 7.1 will not consist of the usual junk food and soda, but rather water and carrots (no ranch)!  But I am okay with this!!  The purpose of this diet is to shrink my liver and make the surgery easier on the doctor which mean less complications and less time on the operating table.

This past week has been a rough week on me.  I haven't been eating like I should and I can feel it.  Tomorrow though starts a new day!!  I am going to go on a modified pre-op diet and add in a serving of fruit and a serving of carbohydrates.  I need to up my water intake also.  I am allowing myself these slip-ups now because post surgery they are not an option!  I also want to get myself on a more structured exercise program.  This is my last change to establish good habits and I am going to make the most of my time!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

No turning back!!

I have finally been given a surgery date!!  November 29th at 1pm is the big day!!  I am super excited, but I am also really nervous.  It is now official!  This is going to be a huge change and big challenge, but I am up for it and I know that I can do it!!  I am interested to see what it is like to be at a healthy weight.  I have never been at a healthy weight that I can remember.  I was always the biggest kid!  And I am going to lose my boobs, but I am excited about this!! They are too big now!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A real portion

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Last night I decided to actually weigh my portion of chicken.  The correct portion size is 3 ounces and this my friends is 3 ounces of cut up chicken.   We also had rice and the portion was one cup of rice.  I was concerned because I am still a big girl and I like my food, but I was surprised because I was full after dinner.  I also ate my dinner with one of Lilly's baby spoons.  It took me almost an hour to eat and I discover that it is very difficult to chew rice 20 times, but I did my best!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nerves of steel??

Well, I finally got some good news about my psych eval on Friday.  Insurance is going to cover it at 100% after my $40 deductible!!   I thought I was going to end up paying $850, which is lot of money to pay to have someone tell you that you are crazy, I mean I get that diagnosis from my friends on a daily basis!!!  This was very exciting, so exciting in fact that I jumped up and down and gave myself shin splints!!

All joking aside, I am really nervous about this evaluation!  (and no, not because I think I am crazy!)  This is the last big hurdle before surgery.  I can't even set a follow up appointment until this evaluation is complete!  I don't think that I have anything to worry about.  I am making major changes and I have come a long way in the past two months, but I think it is more the fear of the unknown!  That and pouring out my heart to someone I don't really know.  I hate feeling like I am being judged!

Once this is done and I have passed for sane, I can schedule my follow up with the surgeon and potentially get a tentative surgery date!!  There is a lot of things riding on Friday's appointment.  No pressure right?!?

In other news, I have been following's website about how to avoid CHAOS (go to the website to learn about this)  in my home, but I am amazed with how much changing my cleaning and organizational habits have spilled into other aspects of my life.  I mean the Flylady tells me that I can do anything for 15 minutes and as simple as it sounds, she is right!!  Yesterday I spent 15 minutes (actually more because we were having fun) going through Lilly's toys and getting them into her new toy chest.  I finished with a large black trash bag full of donations and two empty bookcases in my living room, Lilly's room was clean, and I know that what little is left in the front room will be very easy to clean up at the end of the day!  But what is even better about all of this was I felt an amazing sense of accomplishment!  I was amazed at myself for the fact that I stopped procrastinating and just did it.  We actually had fun doing it too!

Monday, October 11, 2010

So this is what preparation is for....

So, the other day I was craving a Dr. Pepper.  I mean craving.  It was all I could think about!!  So I actually bought one when I went to get Lilly her weekly allotment of chicken nuggets.  But I am so proud of myself!!  I didn't by a large, I bought....ready for this....a small!!!  I savored every single sip of that Dr. Pepper like it was my last, OK so it was my last.

I have gotten a little off track with everything the past two weeks.  I was sick with pneumonia and I used it as an excuse to not be as strict with everything.  However, that being said, I am not beating myself up over everything. I realize that this is why I have the four months before surgery to prepare for the actual surgery.  If I make a mistake, I learn from it and make myself aware of what situation(s) lead up to the slip up. For example,  I wanted ice cream the other night and instead of getting a piece of fruit and calling it good, I bought the ice cream.  I went to the store hungry so I bought more than I should have.  I sat down with the pint and a spoon and I ate the whole thing.  After I was done, I realized I didn't even enjoy it.   It wasn't even something I really wanted.  I could have been mad at myself and beaten myself up over if for hours, but instead I decided to forgive myself and tell myself that I cannot do that again.  If I want something sweet I either need to get a piece of fruit or decide if I really want something sweet or am I bored?  I have found that sweets are my go to food when I am bored.  If I don't keep them in the house, I can't have them to eat and it makes it a lot easier.  My slip ups are getting fewer and farther between.  Even though I haven't been doing every single thing I need to be doing this week, I must be doing something right because I am down another 3 pounds.  I am eating less and realizing when I am full.  I cannot wait for surgery and I think I will be ready for it in another few weeks.  Each day brings me closer and makes me more ready for this new life changing experience!  I cannot wait!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Random video

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

So exciting!!

So, it has been a few weeks since I blogged, but here are the latest updates....
I went in for my second appointment with the Bariatric doctor.  I am deficient in Vitamin D, but it is fat soluble, so there is a possibility that there is a bunch stored in my fat.  However, they treat for it since there is no test to see how much is in your fat.  I have also lost an official total of 9 pounds!!  I can see it in my pants that are starting to get a little bit big!!

I have my psych eval. scheduled for next Friday, this is one of the last major hurdles before surgery can be done.  I was a little concerned that insurance won't cover it, but it looks like there is a slim, remote, far off in the distance chance that the doctor may actually be covered by my insurance.  I have to thank Dr. Clark for going to bat for me on that.  Once I pass that I can officially schedule my follow-up appointment with the surgeon!!

Closer to home, I was able to get on to the Wii Fit today and exercise for a good 30 minutes!!  This is major since before I was too heavy for the balance board.  I am so excited and I am sitting here post workout, sweat dripping down my face and typing about it because I am that excited!!

As for dietary changes, I am completely off of soda!!  This is really hard because I occasionally (every day) crave a Dr. Pepper, but it took me so long to get off soda that I am not willing to risk even one sip!!  I have cut back carbs, but that seems to be my major struggle right now.  I do have to admit that as much as I wanted to stop for a large milkshake yesterday, I did not so I am extremely proud of that fact!!  Portion control is getting better as well.  I can tell when I have gotten too full, but I am getting much better about stopping before I feel full since it takes your brain like 30 minutes to catch up!!

Well fatigue is starting to take over, so I am headed to bed. says that to avoid CHAOS (Can't have anyone over syndrome) you need to get to bed at a decent hour.  This change in my diet has been leading to a change in life all around!!  It is exciting changes I tell ya!!  Oh and the best part....people at Peter's work are starting to notice that I have lost weight and it is a great feeling to have people come up to you and tell you that!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Off the Beaten Track

So since I have been on vacation and back, roughly three weeks now, I have not been following the program as carefully as I should have been.  I know that I cannot beat myself up over this, but I am slightly disappointed in myself.  That being said, I did join the YMCA in fact I went and worked out on Tuesday and then came down with pneumonia on Wednesday night (I don't think that they are related).  The nice thing is the gym is so close to my daughters preschool that I can drop her off and go workout!!!  The bad news is I have no excuse not to work out now!!  I was scheduled for my 3 hour psych eval. on Friday, but it was postponed due to this pneumonia.  It is now four weeks away!!!!  But that is okay I still have time and surgery should still be on track!!  Plus maybe this will give the insurance company a chance to decide not to be complete a-holes and pay for the eval!!  Otherwise it is going to be over $800, but worth every penny if it gets me closer to my surgery!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Vacation does NOT equal bacon!

Being on vacation is wonderful until it comes time to eat! I have determined it is hard to make good choices while being tempted with some of my favorite foods! However, it is not impossible. I read a quote in my bariatric handbook that there is no bad foods, just bad quantities.

Today we went to my favorite place to eat in Tucson...Eegee's. Instead of getting the largest 12" sandwich, I got a 5" sandwich. I still sat there and chewed 20 times before swallowing and I didn't get a large eegee but an ice tea-gee. I still splurged and got ranch fries but I am having salad for dinner and this will be the last time I will eat Eegee's since they don't have anything on the menu that is okay to eat post surgery!

While this continues to be a struggle I think I will utilize the workout room while the kiddo takes a nap with daddy!!
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Houston we have clearance to launch!

Yesterday I met with the Bariatric staff at Flagstaff Medical Center.  I should be done with my prep by early November and I should be scheduled for surgery in December.  It looks like I should be off my blood sugar medications in December and blood pressure medications shortly after surgery!  While reading through my binder (they give you a binder with the ends and outs of the surgery) I read an article that said that after surgery is the most exciting time because people usually lose 10% of their body weight!!  I cannot wait!!

It was really exciting to meet with the dietitian because out of the list of 11, I only have three that I need to conquer.  Now I still have all 11 to continue to work on, but that was big step.  Today I actually conquered the other three:
No Caffeine
Take 20 minutes to finish meals
No skipping meals

Today was the first day I skipped a structured workout, but I did take 30+ minutes to clean my house and walked around the mall.  I am also planning on walking to work on Sunday!! I even bought myself a pack to hold my iPod and water bottle while I walk!!  My body is aching from all of the extra movement, but it is an awesome feeling.

My biggest tip for today is to chew your food 20 times and take 20 minutes to eat meals.  My mom even said something to me after dinner today about how she was chewing her food 20 times and it took her 30 minutes to eat.  I am affecting the whole family!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Baby Steps!!

So last night was a big step for me!  We decided to go to Dairy Queen.  I was craving some ice cream so I went along and ordered a mini blizzard.  While this wasn't as good of a choice as say a baby cone, I did go from my normal order of a large blizzard to a mini blizzard!

I am also working on chewing my food 20 times.  This is difficult for me since I am texture person and something like chips go from being nice and crunchy to potato mush in my mouth, but I have noticed that by slowing down and paying attention to this, I am able to tell when I am getting full!

Another big accomplishment was that I was able to play the Wii Fit for a few minutes today.  The balance board has a weight limit on it, and I was under the weight limit!!  That was until I went to an appointment and drank a bunch of water on the way home.  But still an achievement.  An even bigger achievement was that I didn't give up when I got home and couldn't use the board.  Instead I played 30+ minutes of tennis and boxing.  It was an awesome feeling to have to take  a shower because I was so sweaty and gross from my workout!!

The cardiologist visit was today to go over the results of my echo.  The good news is that all of the bad news I received today is most likely reversible once I lose weight.  I did get put onto a blood pressure medication since I am required to keep my blood pressure under 120/80.  That felt like a defeat, but my goal is to get off of it within a year!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Next Step!

I met with the surgeon today and have been moved over to the bariatric center. If everything goes according to plan I will be going under the knife in 4 to 6 months! I am very excited!
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cutbacks and Layoffs

I have been attempting to cut a few items out of diet before I even meet with the surgeon on Wednesday.  I have actually gotten to a point that when I slip up I feel really guilty!  I have found that it is easier to stick with these changes if I eat before I get to that point of feeling like I am starving.

Things that I have cut out/back on:

Soda-still a work in progress and this is probably the hardest one for me
Breads and Simple Carbs

Another thing that I have been trying to do is not to eat in the car or drink anything in the car besides water.  I have found that when I eat or drink things in the car (Water included) I do not pay attention to the quantity I have consumed.  Now, for the most part this isn't a bad thing with water, it is when it is food and other beverages.

I have also been trying to make sure that I think about what I am eating while I eat it.  This has helped me listen to my hunger signals more and know when I am full.  I have also been putting my fork/spoon/spork down between bites.

Now I am not going to say I am consistent with this, I am trying to be, but I have noticed that when I am I don't eat as much and I feel better since I am over full!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Skinny bottle list

A lot of people have bucket lists on things they want to do before they die. Well this is my list of things i cannot wait to accomplish when I lose weight!

Fit into an airplane seat and not have to ask for a seat belt extender

Go to a concert/show in Vegas and fit into the seat

Go into Target/Walmart/Old Navy and buy an outift not in the plus size department

Be able to sit in a chair and not worry if it will break

Be able to find a bathing suit that not only fits but looks great on

Be able to wrap a towel around me and have the edges overlap

Be able to buy a bra at Victoria Secret

Be able to see my feet when I stand up

Not have to look at the maximum weight on a scale

Find a bracelet (preferable a diamond tennis bracelet) that will go around my wrist

Be able to find a watch in the woman's section that fits and not the men's section

Put on one of those horrible gowns in the doctor's office and it tie in the back and cover my butt!
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Friday, August 13, 2010

One day at a time!

I have been trying to cut things out of my diet with baby steps. So far i am still crawling!! currently i am attempting soda, but Peter brought home a 2L of Coke. He's getting better least it wasn't a 12 pack! but it is stilling calling to me!! i think i will chill in the bedroom and read.

On another note...tonight i will be re-attempting to sleep with my CPAP, so we will see how that goes!
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Moving along....

I went to the information session last night for the bariatric surgery. I met a man who was my age that had the surgery in March of this year and he's already lost over 100 pounds!! Talk about motivation!! Peter even went with me for support! I'm lucky to have him!

Additionally I called the office today and made my first appointment! Then I called the insurance and discover they will pay for everything! I am so excited!!
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Monday, August 9, 2010

change of topic!

So....i have decided to gastric bypass! This is going to turn into a blog about that journey!! I am very nervous, but I know this is going to be life long change (for the good)!
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Monday, April 19, 2010

This is easier said then done....

Well, I have begun trying to add more walking to my daily life.  I am parking my car farther away and at least walking the block once a day.  I am finding that I do not have the momentum that I was hoping to have by this point.  However, we are getting ready to walk Disneyland for five days, so if that doesn't get my body moving....nothing will!!

Fundraising is going well.  I am very happy and thankful for the people who have donated so far!!  I am working on getting a wine and cheese party for the end of May.  Also, thanks to Taverna because they are going to donate 15% of their sales on May 11th to my march!! So show your support and come eat at Taverna on May 11th!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Change of Reason.....

I have changed the original reason that I started this blog.  I had first started it...actually I don't know why I started it, but now I have a reason!!  I am going to be blogging about my journey to the March for Babies.  I know 4 miles doesn't sound like a huge distance, but for me it is a marathon!! I am so out of shape it isn't funny. I can get into shape!!!

The reason that I decided to do the March for Babies is because my daughter, Baby Binks, was born 6 week premature!  The March of Dimes does amazing things helping people with premature infants and trying to prevent babies from being born premature.  Plus, I want to be healthy so that I can be around for Binks.  So I guess the reason is twofold!

That is it for today, but keep checking back! I think there are going to be some amazing changes!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

March for Babies

I wanted to let everyone know that have signed up to do the March for Babies on June 19th!!  It is only 4 miles, but it is time to get my butt in gear!! Please check out my page!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day to a good start!

Today was my midterm for my Rules of Evidence class.  As much as I wished and prayed for CCC to call school on account of snow....they didn't.  I think I did pretty well on my midterm.  I had studied for it, but I am never certain until I get the exam back!!

Lilly had her follow up appointment for her surgery.  They said that she looks good.  Hopefully we can keep her drinking because that seems to be our big problem.  It amazes me that no matter how much of a monster she is, or how defiant she becomes, she always makes me smile.  Granted I usually wince within minutes of that smile, but she always makes me smile.

Nothing else is new in my world today.  I am working on my business (I sell Arbonne skincare, call for a skincare workshop today!)  and trying to take one day at a time.  Until tomorrow!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Here we go again!

I have made several attempts at making a blog, but after watching House tonight, I got motivated to attempt this once again!! I am going to attempt to blog something everyday. It might not be the most exciting thing every day, but it is my life. It is the simple things in life that I am trying to enjoy!