Thursday, November 25, 2010

And here we are!!

Surgery is only 4 days away!!!  I cannot believe how quickly that time has passed.  I have not been able to get everything done that I wanted to get done, but the house is clean (enough) and laundry is caught up.  The two major things I wanted to get done!  Now I just have to get through Thanksgiving and Black Friday and I will be golden!!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I am trying a couple of bariatric friendly recipes this year.  The first is a sugar free cranberry sauce that uses sugar free preserves, cranberries, cinnamon, and splenda.  It was really easy to make and it looks really good!!  Secondly is a Toasted Caramel Pecan Sweet Potatoes.  This one uses Di Vinci Syrup, sweet potatoes, and some other ingredients.  I am really excited to be trying these new recipes and experimenting on the family!!

So, here is the schedule for surgery....
Monday I check into the hospital at 1230pm, surgery is about 2-3 hours so I don't expect to be into a room until around 6 or 7pm

Friday, November 12, 2010

Not sure I should be doing this

I have thought long and hard about if I should disclose the information I am about to disclose, however, here it goes.  This is VERY difficult for me to be doing, but I figure this is the best way to motivate myself to never look like this again.  I probably won't post this on facebook, yet anyone who searches this could find it, kind of ironic!!

Current Measurements:
Weight: 323
BMI: 45
Hips: 59.66 Inches
Waist: 50.25 inches
Thigh: 32.25 inches
Chest: 50 inches

Difference from my previous measurements on 9/14/10
Weight: -13
BMI: -1.6
Hips: -1.33 inches
Waist: -1.75 inches
Thigh: -.75 inches
Chest: -2.75 inches

Putting this information out this is scary, so I included the positive information which really puts it into perspective.  I mean I have lost 13 pounds in 2 months!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Addiction Friction

As many of you know, the day is drawing closer and closer!  I was talking to someone about the surgery, and I apologize I don't remember who, but they were saying that they knew someone who had the surgery and became an alcoholic.  As we were discussing this, she explained (I remembered who it was Joy, my estetician at Massage Envy) that when you give up the addiction to food, you have to find another addiction to occupy that spot.  

Now, I disagree that this replacement needs to become an addiction, but I have found that have discovered other hobbies to occupy that void that my food addiction has left.  For example, I have been knitting.  I made Lilly a cupcake hat for her Halloween costume that she refused to wear, but that is a whole other blog.  (product plug: if anyone wants me to make a hat or scarf I am taking orders)  

I have also discovered  I was turned onto Fly Lady a year or so back by my friend Monika, but it wasn't until my friend Kim and I started doing it together that it really took hold.  Kim kindly reminds me to shine my sink every night and when life is getting you down, shine your sink.  It is good advice.  Now I cannot take credit for the Fly Lady's efforts that she has put forth to come up with the wonderful system, but I can explain a few key points, if you like them, check out

1.) Your clutter (psychical, mental, spiritual) didn't get this way in one day, and you cannot fix it in one day
2.) Take baby steps or you will burn out and go back to your old ways.
3.) Cleaning your sink every night regardless of how everything else looks will make you feel amazing in the morning!

My point to all of this is that while I am working to curb my addiction to food, I have found that doing something else that gives me pleasure, helps me not think about the fact that I cannot bake a tray of brownies and eat the entire thing.  However writing a blog on baking brownies does remind me of the fact that I am hungry and I have brownies in the pantry!  

Sorry, gotta go shine my sink!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The final days

Surgery has been set for November 29th at 1pm!  I am very nervous all of sudden because now this isn't a dream but a reality!! I am still waiting on insurance approval, but from what it sounds like, that should not be a problem!!  I will get more details on when I have to show up and all that fun stuff when I meet with the hospital on the 15th.

Speaking of the 15th, that is when I start my two week pre-op diet!!  This diet will consist of a protein shake for breakfast and lunch.  Dinner will be 4 oz of a lean meat and a serving of vegetables!  If I want to have a snack I can have a handful of raw veggies.  This will be what I get to eat for Thanksgiving and the husband's birthday.  This also means that waiting in line for Harry Potter 7.1 will not consist of the usual junk food and soda, but rather water and carrots (no ranch)!  But I am okay with this!!  The purpose of this diet is to shrink my liver and make the surgery easier on the doctor which mean less complications and less time on the operating table.

This past week has been a rough week on me.  I haven't been eating like I should and I can feel it.  Tomorrow though starts a new day!!  I am going to go on a modified pre-op diet and add in a serving of fruit and a serving of carbohydrates.  I need to up my water intake also.  I am allowing myself these slip-ups now because post surgery they are not an option!  I also want to get myself on a more structured exercise program.  This is my last change to establish good habits and I am going to make the most of my time!!!