Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Updated Skinny Bottle List

Skinny bottle l

Fit into an airplane seat and not have to ask for a seat belt extender

Go to a concert/show in Vegas and fit into the seat

Go into Target/Walmart/Old Navy and buy an outift not in the plus size department (I did this!! I bought pants and a couple shirts from Old Navy!)

Be able to sit in a chair and not worry if it will break (went to dinner with friends at Cracker Barrel and wasn't afraid to sit in the rocking chairs)

Be able to find a bathing suit that not only fits but looks great on

Be able to wrap a towel around me and have the edges overlap (not only my towels, but a hotel towel as well!!)

Be able to buy a bra at Victoria Secret

Be able to see my feet when I stand up

Not have to look at the maximum weight on a scale

Find a bracelet (preferable a diamond tennis bracelet) that will go around my wrist

Be able to find a watch in the woman's section that fits and not the men's section

Put on one of those horrible gowns in the doctor's office and it tie in the back and cover my butt!

Get on the Wii Balance Board and not have it tell me I have exceeded the maximum weight (I can even drink water and get back on and it not tell me that!!)

Run a half marathon

Run a 5k

Run a 10k

A much needed post!

Well it has been awhile since I posted more than just measurements, so here is my much needed update.

This has been an amazing adventure!  I have had some problems with keeping food down.  Right after Christmas I started vomiting after almost every meal.  The first thought that came to mind was that I had a blockage.  However, I worked with my nutritionist and was getting very frustrated that I could not find anything other than liquids that I could keep down.  I had started to lose hair because of the lack of nutrition especially protein.  I went and saw the doctor on Thursday and he suggested that I had irritated my stomach from vomiting and not accepting the fact that I could not handle chicken.  He thought that I had gotten into a cycle of vomiting because my stomach was so upset and raw that it wasn't able to process anything other than liquids.  He suggested that I go back to square one and start with a couple days of clear liquids, then full liquids, etc and that I go back on the omeprizol to help with the acid.

 I am now to point where I am able to eat almost anything.  In fact I have only vomited three times, twice with items that were banana flavored and once with something that had italian dressing.  I have now added bananas to my list of foods to stay away from!!  I am so happy to be able to eat!! I was assured that this wasn't a normal occurrence, so if you are considering surgery, rest assured that this probably won't happen to you!

I have also gotten a couple of weight loss surgery cookbooks.  I really like Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery: Over 140 Delicious Low-Fat High-Protein Recipes to Enjoy in the Weeks, Months and Years After Surgery especially since it has adjustments for what stage you are post surgery.  The recipes looks really good!!  I also bought Before & After, Revised Edition: Living and Eating Well After Weight-Loss Surgery which has some really good protein shake recipes and a recipe for a sugar free cheesecake.  There is even a recipe in there for a protein shake that is supposed to taste like a Oreo blizzard.  The last one I bought, The Everything Post Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook: All you need to meet and maintain your weight loss goals (Everything Series) which I would not recommend, at least not for recipes.  There is some good post surgery information in there, however the recipes are not RYN friendly!  They call for things like honey and syrup which may cause dumping syndrome, so I refuse to even try them!

I have lost enough weight that I have been able to cross a couple things off my skinny bottle list, so I will post an updated list next!!  I have even dropped down three pants sizes!  I have been buying pants at Savers on Mondays.  You are asking yourself "Why Monday?" Well, at Savers they have a different color tag on sale for 50% off each week.  On Mondays they list the new tag for 50% off and the previous week's tag is only 99 cents!!  My only issue that I have is that since I am so tall it is difficult to find pants that are long enough for me.  I did "splurge" and bought a pair of $70 pants at Torrid for $11 on clearance.  They are long enough, but now they are a little big, not falling off my butt big, but baggy in the butt big!!

Despite all my problems and issues, I am really glad that I had the surgery.  I have lost around 75 pounds since I started this whole thing back in September!  

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January Update

Well here is the latest numbers:



Weight: 259.4
Waist: 44"
Thigh: 27.25"
Leg: 17.5"
Arm: 14.5"
Wrist: 6.75"
Above Chest: 40.75"
Around Chest:  44.5"
Below Chest: 40.25"
Hips: 52"
Ankle: 10.5"


Since Last Post:
Weight: 30.6
Waist: 3"
Thigh: 2.25"
Leg: 1"
Arm: 1.25"
Wrist: .25"
Above Chest: 2"
Around Chest:  3"
Below Chest: 2.25"
Hips: 5.25"
Ankle: 0

Total so Far:
Weight: -75.6 
BMI: -11.6
Waist: -8" 
Thigh: -5.5"
Leg: -2.5"
Arm: -4"
Wrist: -.75"
Above Chest: -7.25"
Around Chest:  -8.25"
Below Chest: -8"
Hips: -9"
Ankle: -1"