Monday, December 19, 2011

We've moved!!!

We have moved our blog to:

Come check us out and follow our new blog!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas cookies are my archenemy

I decided that I would carry on the tradition of baking Christmas cookies with my daughter.  I should have known this was not a good idea!  (It did make for some awesome memories) I am now sitting here with 7 batches of cookies that don't even look appetizing to me!  You would think this would deter me from munching on them, but no, it doesn't.  I have said from the beginning (or maybe somewhere in the middle) that a cookie now and then is not going to cause me to gain back 160 pounds, but those little round pieces of deliciousness are tempting and evil!!  I am only 17 pounds away from my goal now and I don't want to gain it all back.  I am struck with this terror every time I eat anything!  (It doesn't stop me) but I reassure myself...everything in moderation.  Obviously the easiest way to avoid temptation is to stay away from temptation, so now it is time for me to plate up these delicious cookies and pass them out to the neighbors!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Elephant stuffed in a peanut can

I read an article that was posted by a fellow WLS Blogger "The World According to Eggface" about a man who complained that he had to stand the entire flight because the person next to him was too fat.  This infuriates me because I have a feel that the person was just like me on my last flight where the seat is majorly uncomfortable and squeezing into my hips, the belt is too tight but I still fit into that seat damn it!!  Now I don't know all the details, the man could have been morbidly obese and taking up two seats, but I don't think any flight attendant would have let that man stay on that plane if that was the situation.  The skinny guy in this situation claimed he was forced to stand for a 7 hour flight.  Here is the link to the article, but the comments on the article amazed me the most.  People are petrified that by touching a fat person they are going to get so fat they are going to have to be rolled to work themselves.  Wake up jerks!!  And as for the whole "it's not a medical condition, you just need to stop eating"  concept, yeah I tried that.  See when you get to a certain weight, your metabolism slows down, well I don't need to explain.

My point is that people who are heavy, overweight, obese, etc, are discriminated against on a daily basis.  I am almost half the size I was a year ago and I still get dirty looks.  I am happy with how I look.  I am fit, I exercise, I love the way I feel. But it has taken me years to feel this way.  However, even after losing 160 pounds, I am still considered overweight. (To get to a healthy BMI I need to lose 17 more pounds) I tried every diet in the book before surgery and was even moderately successful.  (Especially when I took diet pills a.k.a. Rx speed, yeah that is healthy in the long term).  But that moment that I stopped and even thought about a mini m&m the weight came back!

When I flew, I wasn't even at my heaviest weight and I was mortified!  I could not wait to get off that airplane and hid from society.  I feel for the poor bloke in this article, not that A-H that had to stand for 7 hours, but for the obese guy who had to put up with that humiliation.  I think that the fact that the majority of American are overweight would make us all a little kinder to those who struggle with their weight, but no.  It is a sad world my friend!

WoW!! Where has the time gone?

It has been ages since I posted and all I can say to my many readers is I apologize!!  I will attempt to do better!

Since August (Really August?) things have been pretty steady!  The biggest hurdle I've had to overcome weight wise is that I had surgery on my foot and I have not gotten back to my running schedule!  Surgery was a lot rougher than I imagined, and recovery time was twice as long as originally anticipated. I guess I have bones of steel (per the doctor) and the pins they needed to insert did not want to go into the bone.  The process, which should have taken about 15 minutes, took over an hour and increased the pain and swelling. But, me and the toes are back up and running, literally!

Well...we were until I had to have semi-emergency surgery to removed an 11 cm (think newborn size head) cyst from my left ovary.  Luckily, the pain has been manageable and I have not lost a lot of training time for the half marathon relay in January.  I think I will still be able to run the 6.1 miles necessary not to let my partner down!

I don't have all the measurements, but I am down to an even 200 pounds as of yesterday!  I never thought I would ever get to this weight.  I believe this brings the total weight loss total to around 160 pounds since my heaviest weight 18 months ago.  I had pretty much leveled out until this latest loss, but an 11cm cyst weighs a lot!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I love how I always make the promise to update my blog more often and then it seems like months go by before I post again! Anyway, I am making that promise yet again.

I haven't been posting much lately other than measurements because it seems like that is all I have had time for. In March we moved to Tucson and I have taken that opportunity for a much desired fresh start. I am now down to around 210 pounds, from 350 pounds this time last year. That is literally a person!! I have a whole new wardrobe since none of my other clothes fit. However, I am still having a hard time seeing myself as a "skinny person". I still see my old fat self in e mirror when I look at in the morning.

I am seeing the health benefits of this surgery though. For those who don't know, I made the final decision to have gastric bypass when I saw the cardiologist a year ago. I had an echocardiogram that came back with thickening (strengthening) of the left ventricle and two valve issues. I went in for my latest echocardiogram at the beginning of the month and I am excited to say that I questioned the doctor about the findings. They told me, and I quote, "you have a perfectly healthy 29 year old heart.".

In addition to the heart issues having resolved, I have also not used my inhaler since I had surgery with the rare exception of when I had an upper respiratory infection in March and eating of corn on the cob last week. Everyone also comments on how slow my pulse is, not too slow, but healthy enough they comment.

I also received my latest blood work and my cholesterol is finally within normal range. Even my good cholesterol is only low by one point! My A1C level is well within normal range and that is a great relief as well!

On the opposite side of the spectrum I am constantly reminded of how overweight I was. I have been having knee issues since June. It is very frustrating since I am not obese anymore. However, this is cause from years and years of being over weight. I learned that for every pound you lose, you take four pounds off your joints. I have been walking around with almost half a ton of extra weight on my joints. No wonder they are shot!! I have learned that it is going to take some time to strengthen my surrounding muscles to help support my knees.

There have been major ups and downs with this surgery. I don't get to eat an entire cake anymore, but I realize now that I was eating the cake because I hated the way I looked because I was fat and unhealthy. Self esteem is a vicious cycle and it is something everyone struggles with. I don't care if you are supermodel skinny or the heaviest man alive, everyone has something they want to change. It is how we deal with these feelings that we have the ability to change. I no longer turn to food for comfort. I have broken my cycle.

I have lost friends along the way, which is my biggest regret. I have changed and I have a high respect for myself now. I won't let people walk all over me. I am highly outspoken and I love myself. I am open and honest and I am not hiding behind my body anymore. Some people haven't been able to accept the new me and with some we just don't have the same things in common anymore. I miss my lost friends but I have accepted that sometimes we have to travel on separate paths.

I have started to allow myself some indulgences. I have lost the weight that the doctors have said I will lose. I have hit goal!! The best thing about hitting a goal is the opportunity to set a new goal. I still want to lose about 30 more pounds. I treat myself, however I have learned not to over indulge. I might have a cupcake one night but not every night with every meal. I will also account for it during the week by an extra workout or cutting out carbs the next meal. I am not perfect in this, but I am viewing food differently. I realize now that it isn't something to fear but something to respect.

Needless to say, I do not regret this decision. This has been the greatest choice I have ever made. It has been an exhilarating adventure and I am so happy that I made it!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Road ID

My friend Lora recommend an awesome product to me and I have to share.  The product, Road ID (, is a bracelet, anklet, necklace, or shoe tag that has emergency contact information on it.  The site is geared towards athletes, but it is a really awesome idea for anyone who has any kind of medical need.  I actually think it is a good idea for everyone to have regardless of medical need.  The point of the band is to give emergency medical responders the information they need to get in contact with someone if something were to happen to you.

I know most of us carry an ID on us when we go out, but ladies where do we put this ID?  In our purse!  What happens if you get separated from your purse? I have a medical alert card for my gastric bypass in my purse and I was thinking I was golden, but then I remember what happened after my car accident.  I was so flustered and if I didn't grab my purse before we went to the hospital, I wouldn't of had anything on me!  I was lucky to be conscious, but if you are in a car accident or something else happens and the EMT needs to get you to the hospital, they are not going to root around your car or probably even think to grab your purse.  Their number one priority is to get you to the hospital!! This band could save your life.

It was recommended to me that I carry a medical alert on me because of my surgery.  The ER needs to know that you have had bypass because they have to be careful about a couple of procedures that they preform.  In Flagstaff I wasn't worried about this because FMC had done my surgery and I assumed that they would have it in their system.  This is funny because, well because it just is.  FMC couldn't remember I had a corn allergy when I pregnant with Lilly and it was in BIG RED LETTERS across the door of my hospital room.

Anyway, I have looked at a lot of medical alert bracelets and such and I have never found one I liked until now.  I think I like this one because the price is right ($15.99 to $29.99 depending on the style) and they have interchangeable bands that you can buy ($1-$3 for the ones I bought).  I chose to get the interactive band that sets you up to a website that EMTs and the ER can access via a code on the back of your bracelet and you get the first year free for EACH bracelet you buy.  I bought the sport band to run in and another band for day to day.  So I get two free years and then it is only $10 a year for each additional year.  If you lose a band with the access code, they remove it from your account so no one can access your personal information.  I did this because I want to be able to update medications and phone numbers in the event something changes (like my ever changing cell phone number).

I received a coupon code from for $1 off  your next order.  So feel free to use it and share.  Coupon Number: ThanksKimberly5710022

 This concludes my rant!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Since I have discovered the joys of running, I have creaked my own blog all about it!!! Feel free to check it out, follow it, share it, etc...